Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cosmetic Bonding

Composite bonding is a great alternative to porcelain veneers in a young patient. This is a recent case completed to close space after orthodontics. The nice thing about composite bonding is that it is a one appointment procedure and 100% reversible. Our patient was extremely happy and his parents were even more so with how affordable it was compared to porcelain veneers.


  1. I'm Very much impressed to seeing the pictures. Nothing to say except Cosmetic Bonding will be the satisfaction of patients. Family Dentist

  2. Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you.

    Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Newton Centre ma

  3. My mom recently had composite bonding from our Family Dentist Atlanta, it was quite expensive but the results were really great. Now she has a confidence to smile again to her friends and our relatives.

  4. Those before and after pictures are good. You can say anything, but seeing results is the best advertising of all. We may see the day when everyone can have the smile they want.

  5. Wow!! Really great to know about cosmetic bonding. My brother is also having gap in his teeth so planning to take him to dentist Redondo Beach for this cosmetic bonding. It will be really beneficial for him. Will take him to dentist Redondo Beach, a well-known dentist.

  6. I have question is tooth bonding or front tooth filling similar to jacket crown?
